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Meetings of TAG are usually the 1st Monday evening of each month except June-August.  This year, due to Sept. Labor Day, the meeting was moved to August 26th.
 Click HERE to see TAG Calendar of Events.
  • Meetings begin at 6:00pm and the Demos follow some short membership meeting announcements. 
  • Before each meeting, nibbles are served at around 5:45 p.m.
  • Bring your paintings to participate in "TAG Members' Painting of the Month" contest.  

TAG Demo Artists
September-November 2024

Court Bailey- August 26, 2024   6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Painting a Monochrome portrait

in Oil on paper

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Betsy Allaire- October 7, 2024   6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Painting on Silk Scarves



For Betsy's October Workshop Information

click HERE

Robyn Jorde- November 4, 2024   6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Painting on a Gessoed Surface



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Robyn will be demonstrating her methods for using watercolor on paper prepared with acrylic gesso. Painting this way gives the artist lots of splishy splashy play time because it is so easy to remove paint from the gessoed surface later. This gives plenty of time to develop the image without worrying about the painting drying too quickly.


A former oil painter, Robyn became interested in the transparent layering possible with watercolor, a medium which often rewards artists who carefully plan those layers. During the learning process, she discovered that what she liked even more was the fluid blending and all the happy accidents that occur. This led her to her current way of working, which now also often incorporates other watermedia such as gouache, ink, and acrylic.


Robyn’s work has been accepted in many juried shows and she has won several awards, including the “Best of Show” in the 2018 Soutwestern Watercolor Society show. One of her paintings was selected for installation as a mural in downtown Dallas, where it was on display for the year 2020. More of her work can be seen at

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Shirley Nichols - April 1, 2024   6:30pm-8:00pm

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